Ingios Geotechnics

Ground Improvement Verification for New Building

Project Name: Ground Improvement Verification for New Building

Project Date: 05/04/2020

Location: San Mateo, CA

Partners: Condon Johnson Associates, Inc.

Customer Group(s)

  • Stabilization Contractors

  • Material Vendors (Geo Products)

Ingios Engineers Involved: Pavana Vennapusa, Bruce Cunningham

Challenge: The project involved demolishing office buildings for a new technology park project and rebuilding residential condominiums. Due to soft subsurface conditions (Young Bay Mud), drilled displacement column (DDC) elements were installed in a triangular pattern up to 25 ft below the surface. Because the structural design of the new mat foundation required a composite spring stiffness value, testing was needed on both the DDC elements and matrix soil.

Solution:  To determine the matrix soil stiffness at the surface (i.e., modulus of subgrade reaction (k)), Ingios® performed static plate load tests using a 30-inch diameter loading plate. In addition, static plate load tests were performed directly on DDC elements using our 18-inch diameter load plate. Maximum applied loads using Ingios Automated Plate Load Test (SPLT) system was about 20,000 lbs

Benefits: By measuring k-values at the surface, stiffness for both the matrix soil and DDC elements were compared with assumed design values. Ingios APLT technology was deployed to the site, provide highly precise measurements, and expedited the construction engineering teams assessment of site conditions.

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